15 Email Ideas to Make Your REALTORs Click

Nov 21, 2011 | By Mike Lyon

“Mike, how do we create emails that will get the attention of our REALTORs®?”

I have been asked this question twice in the past week so I thought I would answer it in a blog post. Ask any real estate agent about their inbox, “oh, you mean that haystack I have to sort through every day. The deep abyss of spam, new listing notifications and Ugandan prince emails ” Let’s face it, most of our inboxes are bursting at the seams. So we click through and delete as many as possible of those that don’t strike our interest. One click, and all the work you put into crafting a newsworthy email blast for your REALTOR® partners has been wasted.

The solution is not to give up on email marketing. Just do it better.

Instead of thinking about what you have to offer a real estate agent, consider the benefit to them. How will your information or advice help them sell more homes? What results can they expect? When you become a trusted advisor, your emails won’t be overlooked.

Here are some ideas to tantalize your enough recipient to open your emails:

  1. Highlight the benefit provided to them by your Online Sales Counselor
  2. Update them on the latest financing and interest rates and mortgage programs
  3. Announce new and coming-soon communities (= new sales opportunities for them)
  4. Announce the opening of additional phases (Ditto!)
  5. Promote special offers or incentives
  6. Highlight builder’s achievements or awards that reinforce the quality their buyers can expect
  7. Share new floor plans to demonstrate flexibility and options—something that every buyers welcomes
  8. Reinforce the benefits of owning a new home versus a resale home
  9. Explain your building process, particularly those points that differentiate this builder from the competition
  10. Tell a satisfied customer’s story that underscores the reasons a buyer should select a home by this builder
  11. Feature an agent who just sold a home with you and include sales tips from that agent
  12. Highlight community or neighborhood events to paint a picture of fun and involvement, not just an individual property
  13. Review the strong points of your website—and be sure to embed links for them to get there easily
  14. Offer news and statistics about general homebuilding and new construction—agents and buyers love to see how others are faring in their circumstance
  15. Send holiday greetings with a personal message (mine just went out today)

Before you click “Send”, put yourself in the recipient’s place and ask yourself, “So what?” Why should they take valuable time to read your email? When your subject line gives them that incentive and your email supports it with great content, only then should you make your way into their crowded inbox.

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