#18 - 6 Ways To Ask For The Appointment

#18 - 6 Ways To Ask For The Appointment

Jun 25, 2024 | By Online People Talking Podcast

Welcome to Online People Talking with Jen Barkan! In this episode, Jen is joined by Jessie Suggs to talk all about how to get an appointment. Jen and Jessie have noticed a disconnect in Online Sales Specialists knowing the best method of making an appointment and in some cases, not even asking at all! So pull out your notepads and pencils for this free educational episode on how to get those appointments the correct way.

Word On The Street: How To Ask For an Appointment (05:32)

  • People are struggling with asking for the appointment.
  • Review the call path.
  • Prepare mentally.
  • Be better than the bot! Add your personality!
  • 5 areas of qualifications.

Topic Of Today: The 6 Ways To Ask For an Appointment (16:44)

  • Assumptive close
  • Soft Close
  • Trial Close
  • Hard Close
  • Tie Down Close
  • Alternative Close

Skills Check! (30:35)

  • Write these tips down.
  • Try one of these methods!

Market Proof Marketing · #18 - 6 Ways To Ask For The Appointment

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Hey, Jessie.

Hey, Jen. Man, I love starting my day seeing your face.

Oh. Me too. I know I woke up this morning and I was like, I'm going to put on a blazer, but I'm going to put on a shirt that I love. And it says, kind people are my kind of people because I was like, that's the mood I need today. And I get to see you. It's just.

Oh, man, kind people are my kind of people, I love that. I need to be on a on a billboard somewhere.


Jessie, I was thinking about the last up to that we were on together, and we were talking about our adventures, and I mentioned had been to West Virginia.

Oh, the bears?

Yeah, the bears. And I was scared about going to the bathroom at 4 a.m.. And what was I going to do if a bear came upon me? Yeah. but what I should have really been worried about is going to jail. But. Oh, okay. Tell me more, Jen. Okay, so this is a PSA for everybody because we did not realize the how serious it is if you are driving down the interstate or really any road and you see a police officer or emergency vehicle or whatever pulled off to the side of the road.

It is required by law that you move over to the other lane. Right. Had you heard that before. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I knew that that was you know, kind of like what you're supposed to do. Right. Picture this middle of nowhere. It's almost midnight where we're in, like, almost to West Virginia. We are driving down the road.

A sheriff pulls up behind us. We get over into the right lane. Right about that same time, Jesse, there's a state trooper pulled off to the right. Okay, so the timing was like, oh, okay, we got over. Okay. Now we need to get back over. Well, in that time, the state trooper pulls us over, not only gives us a traffic ticket, but actually gives us a court summons.

It is a freakin, like, misdemeanor criminal charge. That we now have to go to Allegheny, Allegheny, Virginia, wherever the heck that is, and go to court and plead our case in front of the judge to try to get out of this situation. We have to hire a lawyer. Oh, yeah. The lawyers like you have to. Your wife needs to come testify.

My husband was driving, and we're.

Sure will be fine in jail.

If. He said he's going to get swole. Yeah, yeah.

No, y'all will be fine. Yeah, that's a really strict. Yeah, in North and South Carolina.

Yeah. What?

People are so distracted when they drive now that they veer over and they'll. Their cars or police officers.

Yeah, and I totally get it. Listen, my dad is a retired police officer. Like an Andrew, in fact, has done so much charity work for law enforcement. It's crazy, like how much money he's raised and fundraised and done all this stuff. And so we try we were so, like, stunned that all this is happening. We were like totally fumbling, like, what's going on?

Because we weren't speeding like we weren't doing anything else. And like, literally we're like family. Two dogs.

Going asleep.

Half asleep, like what's happening? And we totally fumbled. Like what we were trying to say. but he was not having it, so we've got to go to court now. And, you know, we're just like, all right. And there is there is possible jail time, like we're laughing about this, but, they're like, yeah, you could face up to 12 months in jail.

And so we're just like, oh my God.

Your life is so interesting.

So stay tuned. Everybody. I should not have been worried about the bears.

Yeah. You didn't know this is what you were going to get when you loosened up, did you?

No, no. So stay tuned. All right, Jesse, let's do this thing.

Let's do it.

All right. opps, I can't even talk. I'm so, so verklempt. Art. Episode 18 lucky 18 with Jesse Suggs, my partner in crime. Yeah. Jesse, we are. Let's give a shout out first, because we just finished our spring online sales academy. which we had, I think 13 graduates. Yes. that finish that course and they are now released off into the wild to with their online sales certification.

It was so awesome. Yeah. And we have another one coming up. When is it in the fall.

Oh gosh. Jenna, what are the exact dates? Have we.

I don't I don't even know. I think we're looking at November, December 7th, but we're also talking about maybe making it a little bit longer at the beginning. So stay tuned. November. You can go to we'll put in the show notes the link, but you can go check that out and get on the waitlist if you're interested in that.

but so proud of our graduates. Great job. We love sending out the certificate, so that's awesome. All right, Jesse, what are online people talking about right now?

Well, what I'm hearing or seeing or listening to is just a little bit of a disconnect in asking for the appointment, which is a little bit different than what we had experienced before. So, like, you know, even though the pandemic and all of that seem like so long ago, some of the same trends bleed over into this new market.

And so it was kind of like quick turnaround. You know, they're calling in and getting the appointment and you're moving through. And we kind of lost the art of deep qualification. But now it's kind of switched to shying away from even asking for the appointment. So it was kind of like AA1 80. I don't know. Are you noticing that?

Yeah, totally. We've actually had a few requests recently from, managers that's like, hey, can you do some extra coaching on how to even ask for the appointment? Yeah. And, you know, to your point, we're going from a market of customers asking us for the appointment to now, you know, buyers. It's a longer buying cycle. They're dipping their toe and trying to get some information.

Not quite sure if they're ready to venture out. And so as online sales specialist, like we spend time focusing on overcoming objections and how to perfect the pivot and embrace the path, as we call it. but really, before we even get to that, we've got to talk about how we're even asking for the appointment. So buckle up, everybody.

We've got some actual free training that you didn't ask for, but we're going to give it to you anyway. Yeah. So take out a notepad and and make some notes because this is some really great information for you. So Jesse, first, you know, let's review the call path real quickly because why we spend so much time talking about the call path.

And just this topic of the phone is because it is totally in your control. It's one of the things that, as online sales specialists, you know, it's the constant like what you do over the phone really matters. This is where you make the most money. You get the highest return on investment. This is your best tool. This is your best friend, we say.

And so if you approach a phone call willy nilly, you know, off the cuff, then you're going to get willy nilly results in some cases. So you have to have a process for the phone. So what are the five steps? Jesse, of the call path first. And then we'll kind of get into asking for the appointment.

Yeah I think it's important, like you said, to remember that it is a process. It's not just the act of pressing accept on the phone and hoping that it goes well. It starts. The first step is to prepare. Like you have to be ready for those calls to come in. You've got to be sitting there at your computer ready to be able to answer their questions.

Because if it's willy nilly, like you said, but the first step is prepare, then you're opening, then you're qualifying. So, you know, we talked a little bit about digging deep, then we're assuming and then there's always a next step. in the next step we hope would be an appointment. But we've got to earn the right to, to get to that stage through the.

Yeah. And I want to talk about prepare for a second because mentally like yes physically you need to be prepared like you need to have like your, you know, everything at your fingertips ready to go, your website pulled up, your qualifying questions, your notepad, your CRM. Like you got to be technically prepared, but mentally to the first step is like thinking this is going to be an appointment.

Like enter into every phone conversation with a positive outlook of I'm going to have a great conversation and the end result is going to be an appointment, right? That is, your job is to convert that interest into appointments. So we have to start out by thinking that way and then our opening. You know, what Jesse means by that is you better be bring in the energy.

You know, you have one chance to make that first impression. So, Jesse, what would be a good opening, you know, for an inbound call?

Yeah. I mean, of course, you're you're introducing yourself. You're saying hello, you're talking about your builder or you're saying your name. But a lot of times if you get in the rut of doing it, it's again, it's the act of doing it versus being intentional. And so some people even go it. Hello. Is this a real are you a robot like because they go, you know, thanks for calling Happy Acres, homes.

This is Jesse and it's kind of flat, you know, falls flat from there instead of the, you know. Good morning. Good afternoon. Thank you so much. Calling. This is Jesse. And who am I speaking with and kind of starting it off in a different direction more. Yeah. We're excited. and more personal.

Be better than the bot. Right. So don't sound like a bot, you know, add some of your, your personality into that. Right. And it, it it really makes a huge difference. You start off the conversation right away by building rapport, remembering to get that name right at the beginning. When we when we do our secret shops, we see that only about 30% of, online sales specialists out there are actually getting the name up front.

So that's a huge opportunity for you to initially build rapport. and you don't have to say, like with who am I speaking with? You know, you can just roll with like, oh my gosh, thank you so much for calling. And what was your name? Yeah. Hey, before we get started, I'm excited to talk with you. What was your name?

So remember that is a huge opportunity. And then like Jesse said, you're moving into the discovery, the qualification. Jesse, just as a reminder for everybody what are the five areas of qualification that you are trying to determine as you're talking with the customer?

Yeah. Area timeframe once needs desires, budget and authority, or who is involved in the buying process. And you know, it's great, especially if you have your prospecting pad out and your your qualifications are listed out. And you know that I'm going to touch all five areas, or I'm at least going to ask all five areas. And that's great.

But what we see as well is it turns into more of a checklist than like a casual rapport building trust in conversation. And so it's like kind of learning how to ask and when to ask and what those, key types of questions are favorite is, hey, before we jump in, like kind of slowing a customer down, whether they're reserved and not really answering your question to you, yes or no, or maybe they're coming out hot, like a list of questions.

They're kind of hammering you either way. You kind of have to pause and go, hey, let me ask you, what's most important to you in your new home? Yeah. And I like, kind of stop their psyche, too. And then you control the conversation by getting them to answer your questions.

Yeah. Well, I love that you use the word control because the, the goal of this call path is to maintain control. You know, of that conversation, right? When you're listening, when you're asking good questions, you're actually the one in control. and one of the best ways to slow down somebody who's coming in hot with like 50 questions that they want to ask you is by giving them a disruptive statement back, like, well, you're super excited.

First off, what's your name like that takes back control. And then I love what you're saying, Jesse. Like I want to hear I want to answer your questions. I want to hear all about it. But what's most important to you? That's a great way to kind of take that back. okay. Then after you've gotten your discovery down and you're moving into assumptive language, you're assuming.

Right? So what do we mean by that? Jesse? What's an example?

Well, it's it's kind of gearing it up to like teeing it up really that you're going fast for the appointment by saying, hey, you know, it sounds like you've got some really great questions. And when you come out, we'll be able to go over all of those answers. So without saying all of the details, you're kind of teeing it up like, hey, I'm about to say what your best next.


Yeah, I love that. You know using the the royal we, you know, and us, you know, when you come out for a tour with us, you know, we'll be able to go over those incentives in person with you. you know, you get those customers that are asking all of his detailed questions about, hey, on lot three, can I add a sun room and how much is that going to cost?

And you're sitting there going, like, I don't even know for sure if lot three is still available. Yeah, right. I can remember those days. Right? Okay. Just like how much is the pricing for this? Those are great cues and indicators in the call path to say, oh my gosh, you got some really great questions. When you come out and visit with us for a tour, we'll be able to go over a lot of the specifics in person.

We have a beautiful, showroom with all of the options, that we can, you know, show you and customize your, your plan, your home build. And we'll be able to go over that when you visit with us. You're planting the seed, right? That's moving that person ultimately to, like Jesse said, the final, the final step in the call path is the next step, which is asking for the appointment.

Now. Pro tip before we get into the six ways you're asking for the appointment is you will get more objections and pushback if you ask for the appointment too soon. Right? So like I've list, you know, like Jesse said, we listened to a lot of calls. And one thing that we hear sometimes is somebody calls in and it's like, oh, great, so glad you called.

And that you're interested in Happy Acres. We can go ahead and set up a VIP tour for you. When would you like to come? And it's like, well, oh, like, you know, I just want to get some information, like, why are you trying to date me? You know, I'm I'm not.

It's like, you know, I'm.

Not right to go to second base.

I'm just looking in and you're like, you know, good and well. You are not at Best Buy on a Saturday looking at computer ports like you have a purpose, but you're not looking for somebody, right? When you walk in the door to be like, hey, what do you need? What want to buy?

Yeah, yeah. So pro to don't move to second base unless you have really rounded first spent some time getting to know that customer. okay. So now we're to the point. We've done our discovery and we're moving through the next step. Okay. So you guys want to write these down because we're going to go through and we're going to give you these six ways that you can ask for the appointment.

So Jesse what's the first what's the first. Close.

The first one I was about to say it's my favorite. Two, it's like the most organic to me. And it's the assumptive close. which is just like you said, assuming the next step. So something like, hey, it seems like you're interested in this new home. The next step would be to meet in person what time we work for you.

What is your day look like tomorrow?

Love it. I mean, that is like you said. I feel like that's the most natural, organic way. you know, in the call path, the next step, like the actual way to ask is right in the call path. Okay. The next step is, you know, let's go ahead and set you up for that informational session or let's set you up for that.

VIP tour discovery discovery visit. I love that one. Okay. The next one is the soft clothes. I like this one too. I really like all of them. And the soft clothes. which is great. Thank you so much for the time to talk with you today and learn about your home search. What do you think about meeting for an in-person visit?

What do you think about meeting for an in-person visit? do you like that one?

I like it, you know, I think it's interesting that we put our own, like, this is my favorite, because what's normal and natural for us. But most online sales specialists tailor their approach to asking for the appointment based on their customers vibe and sentiment. And so I think we all know those customers who are a little bit reserved.

I think this would be the perfect.

Next for them. It's the soft. That one's also great for like if you've spent that time, you know, really like getting to know that person and just like thank you. You know, thanking them. Right. It's like, thank you so much for the time to chat with you today. Right. And then you move them into that soft clothes. okay.

What's the next one?

The next one, the trial clothes. So this one was one that I did.

Hold on, hold on trial. I'm having I'm having no, I'm stressed out now. I gotta go to court.

No, you're.

Fine, you're fine. Oh my gosh, Jen.

you know, just saying. Hey, do you feel like you have enough information for next step to meet in person? So kind of putting them in the seat to say, do you feel like you're ready?

Yeah, I really like that one, too. I got to say, I didn't really use this one when I was an online sales specialist, but I really like it. It makes a lot of sense, especially if you have that person. Like if you're trying to get that like informational session because, you know, sometimes you have that person that you might feel like, like they are just doing their research and they're asking you a lot of questions and you've spent some time answering those questions.

This is a nice, natural way to go from giving that information over to like, you know, do you feel like you have this? And for me, enough information to move forward? Let's go ahead and set up that informational session, as the next step, I love that.

I think it's I think it's a good way to, to identify the questions that maybe they didn't even know they had. Like, if you say, hey, you have enough information and they go, no, you can go, okay, you know, what do you what other questions do you have? And then it t it up it up to, hey, we'll be sure to go over that with you when you come out.

So you get.

To combine two different approaches.

I like that okay. Hard close okay. I use this one a lot okay I can yeah I use this one a lot. So this is basically like and this is great for creating some urgency around like let's get you out today. Yeah. So the hard close is basically like oh my gosh what are we waiting for. Like let's you have time today.

Like let's you know because one thing we see too another like pro tip is if you schedule an appointment too far out like say it's Tuesday and you schedule an appointment for the following a week or even the weekend, they have the whole week to rethink. Yeah. Or to, you know, like, oh, I don't know, like I just talked to my mom and she was like, this is a bad time to buy.

Now they have the whole week to think about that. So if you've got that person right then and your on site sales person has something that afternoon, go for it. Go for it. Hey let's do this thing right. We got time this afternoon. So I love the hard clothes.

I love that one too. And it's the summertime people give me like oh my gosh it's freaking hot. It's going to be 95 degrees this weekend. I don't want to walk around on my Saturday in the heat or.

Go to the pool.

so for this season. So a good reminder to get it very quickly so that when.

Hey, hey, I'm just thinking about you. Hey, let's go ahead and get let's go ahead and get you in this afternoon before this weekend. It gets too hot. Okay? Okay.

Okay. The next one, the tie down clothes, was one that I used a lot, too, so it was less abrasive, more kind of floaty.


So it's an in-person meeting. Makes perfect sense, don't you think? And kind of leave it in their boat, and then they might give you some type of objection. Like, I think that one leaves it open for more objections, but then we're ready to combat that.

Whether strategies I think the tie down close to I know it's like tie down but like you're like you're pinning them down. Yeah. but I think it also that's kind of a way like you're putting it back in like it's their ID idea. That's like you know what I mean. Like I think an in-person meeting makes perfect sense don't you.

You know. And so then it's like you know they want to say yes. I think ultimately that's what everybody needs to remember too. Your customers want to say yes. We just got to ask them we got to ask them. We got to go for the no. Every single time. Yeah. So again, I love that this is a great way to do that okay.

Last one alternative clothes okay. Alternative clothes. Be thinking week or weekend. You know, like a little it's a little more loosey goosey. the next step is I would love to set up a community visit for you. What works best for you the week during the week or the weekend. Right. So again, that's kind of combining like assumptive.

Like we're just we're assuming that they're going to come out for an appointment or what are we doing week or weekend, right. What works best for you? How do you like that one? Jesse.

Yeah, I love that one. I think it depends, of course, on the market. You know, you don't want to like we mentioned earlier, you don't want to leave it to open ended. And I think it's a good reminder that, you know, our customers are coming to us because they want guidance, like they've pretty much got all the information that they might need on your 24 hour model home, your website.

And so if they're taking their time to inquire or call or connect with you, they're looking for someone to say, hey, here's the best next step. It's like I always think about it like this. When you go to The Cheesecake Factory, you get that menu and it's so overwhelming. You've got so many options.

Can we talk about that to get FOMO.

Like my husband's going to get he always picks a better meal than me.

But I'm like, do you like the Cheesecake Factory? Side note.

I've only been a few times because.


Makes me. I like the cheesecake. I think you can go wrong with cheesecake.

to your point, it's overwhelming. I go, I've been there like twice in my life, and whenever I've gone, that menu is like ten pages.

Oh, it's like spiral bound.

And you know, what I end up doing is I'm like, ask the the waiter or waiter or something. Yeah. What what do you like here?

Because you're looking for guidance.


Then you go to like a fine dining steakhouse and you get four options. You know, you get steak, fish, vegetarian. Right. And a chicken option. Right. And it's so much easier. And you're paying ten times as much for the meal because it's less stress on us as humans. To make a decision like buying a new home is already overwhelming enough.

they're looking for somebody to say, hey, tell me, you know, here's what I'm looking for. Tell me what's the best fit. Tell me what I want to order. And help me get to the next step. And so they don't even know they're questions. They don't even know what they want. And it's your job to guide through that to make it make sense.

So okay folks don't be the Cheesecake Factory.

talk to us. Cheesecake factory.

people like Jesse say I mean, they want to say yes. They. If somebody is calling you and or submitting an inquiry right now, they are interested. They have seen they've seen the interest rates. They've seen they've been on your website, they've looked at the homes, they've looked at the pricing. again, we have to start out this journey assuming that they called us for some reason, and it's because they are interested and want to see our homes.

So they might give you those brush off responses and, you know, maybe knee jerk reaction because they're a little bit nervous or they're overwhelmed, like Jesse saying, so we have to guide them through so go for the know. use these techniques. We've just given you six ways that you can ask for the appointment. also, pro tip number two, don't give model open hours.

You're gonna shoot yourself in the tush. Yeah, right. because here's what's going to happen if you go, hey, we'd love to set you up a tour. We're open from we're open seven days a week from, you know, 12 to 6. When would you like to come? Ooh. What happens? Jesse?

Well, I'm just going to drive out. When are you open? What are your model?

Yeah. Or. Oh, you're open seven days a week. Okay. I'll check my schedule and call you a head on out there. Right. And then, you know, you've got to work harder. You've got to work harder. You've got to overcome that objection and pivot that conversation. So when you are suggesting appointments, when you ask for the appointment, when you go for it, give them specific dates and times of availability.

You know, if you're going for the hard close and you got something this afternoon. Hey, we can see you today at 4 p.m., let's do it. You know, or you're saying like I've got, you know, 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Friday, which one works best for you? Don't give them open ended options, right. Oh, that's that's going to leave you butthurt that I mean that.

Did that ever happened to you?

Yeah. Oh I mean yeah.




I think to again going back to like the human psyche. Yeah. If give them it's like a doctor's appointment, you say, hey, how about today at four or tomorrow at three, and they say no to both. They then feel like they have to give you a time that works for them. So you say, hey, well, what time this week works for you?

And normally because they've said no to you twice, they're, they're yes people just like we're yes people. And they want to like make it work for us. And so they'll give us the time that works for them. And so it's like this reverse psychology that we're doing. And and I also think it's a good reminder to that we're not here to sell the home.

Like we're here to sell the idea of home ownership with our company. And our sale is the appointment. And if we're not even asking for the appointment, we're bypassing the purpose of acquisition altogether. You know what I mean?

Yeah, yeah. Plus it creates more work for you. Yeah. In the long run. Like, if you're not going for the appointment every time. As long as it makes sense. Right now, what do you got to do now? You gotta be sure. You gotta put your notes in the CRM. You got to add a follow up activity. You got to try to get them back engaged.

And this happened to me before when I didn't do this correctly, I'd find out they went out there anyway. They cheated. They cheated on me. And they they went out there and freakin wrote a contract. And I'm like, and I go to my manager and I'd be like, oh, look, I talked to them 42 times and had great conversations.

Look at these notes. Look at this follow up. And my manager be like, well, why didn't you get the appointment during one of those 42 times out? Oh, I heard true. So don't create more work for yourself. Yeah. that's the lazy Jesse approach. Just kidding. Don't create more work like it. Go for it, go for it. What's the worst that's going to happen?

They're going to say, no, I'm not ready. Then you pivot that right. Try to be like, oh, understand? You're not ready. There's a lot to think about. One of the best ways to think about this and do your research is in person. Right. Let's go ahead and set up an informational session. I'll let everybody know you're just looking right now.

You try again. And if all else fails, you throw up the deuces and you say, okay, peace, love. Not going to push it too much. And then you had to follow up. But go for the no guys go for the no. Okay. It's time for a skills check because.

You better check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Yes. Yes, ma'am. You better check yourself. So skills check is just this, right? So listen, you go back. If you didn't take notes, go back, write these things down. Pick out one of these six ways. Write it on a sticky note. Pin it, put it on your monitor. Stick it to your laptop.

Make it your banker.

Jesse is going hard for. Make it your background of your laptop. Pink hot pink background, you know, blinking at you like as a reminder of, you know, this takes practice. Like what we're talking about. You know, we're we're let's just have a moment and say we realize this is hard. This is hard. It's hard to do and real time.

Think on your feet. Know exactly what to say. because in real time, you're you don't know what that customer is going to say back to you. Right. And these are things. So this takes practice, right down the call path. Practice your be prepared. Practice your opening. Write down your qualifying questions. Have those things in front of you.

If you're struggling with this, and even if you're not struggling with this, I guarantee you there's things that we've talked about that you could improve upon. So go get after it. And we want to hear how it goes. Jesse, any last final words of encouragement?

yeah. I mean, I think back to when I did sports as a kid and even now, I just I just bought a road bike to get out there and do something different because I'm.

Getting tired of.

Running. And I went out and, you know, my has been like, trying to tell me how to do all these things. I'm getting frustrated, right? Like, you might feel frustrated as an OSD trying these different tactics that don't seem to come out naturally or organically or whatever. And, and and then I started thinking back to when I started becoming better at the sport.

And I thought about my coach who said, I'm not looking for perfection, but I am expecting progress. And I was like, okay. And so a 1% growth every day, sharpening your skills will make a tremendous impact in just a few months.

wise words from coach extraordinaire Jesse Suggs. I love that so much. I don't expect perfection, but I expect progress. So yeah, just try. These things continue to improve. Listen to your calls, you know, how do you know if you're improving? Listen to your calls. Yeah. Evaluate them. See where you could. Oh, I forgot to ask that.

Or maybe I could ask that a little bit differently. I love that, Jesse. this has been so fun. Free training for you guys. And also, PSR, move over to the left to stay out of jail. All right. We'll see you next time for.

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