#24 - Pointing Fingers with Jessie Suggs

#24 - Pointing Fingers with Jessie Suggs

Sep 24, 2024 | By Online People Talking Podcast

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Jen Barkan and Jessie Suggs sit down for episode #24, and today's topic is embracing the transparency of online sales and shifting the focus from defensiveness to opportunity when a slower market can lead to finger pointing. 

Topic of Today: 5 Ways to Embrace Today's Challenges in Online Sales (5:03)

  • Jen and Jessie have heard several stories about OSCs getting pushback, and going into defense-mode 
  • When things begin to slow and nervousness kicks in, finger pointing can ensue 
  • Instead of getting defensive, let's embrace this and look at it as a challenge! 
  • Which is worse, the pain of discipline, or the pain of regret?
  • #1: Be able to confidently explain your role and what you do 
  • #2: Know your metrics inside-and-out 
  • #3: Have you done everything in your control within your CRM?
  • #4: Stay in front of your peers 
  • #5: Communicate proactively 

Listener Question Of The Day (32:16): "What is the difference between an adequate employee and a valuable employee?" 

  • This question is based off of a great book titled 12 Habits of Valuable Employees: Your Roadmap to an Amazing Career
  • Value employees look to maximize resources, create new efficiencies in everything they touch, eliminate obstacles and proactively solve complex problems 
  • What are you doing beyond checking the boxes?

Skills Check! (37:30) 

  • Jessie encourages you to take action on at least one thing from today's episode you'd like to implement 
  • Update your metrics on a weekly basis and make adjustments accordingly 
  • Know the word on the street! What is the customer vibe?

Online People Talking · #24 - Pointing Fingers with Jessie Suggs

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