4 Ways Online Sales can Finish Strong in 2019

4 Ways Online Sales can Finish Strong in 2019

Sep 9, 2019 | By Mike Lyon


So it is fall. The grocery stores are already selling Halloween candy and before you know it, retailers will be playing Christmas music entirely too early. Thaïs Cuffy, our content curator here at DYC, sent me a note last week that said, “Are you still good for writing a blog for Sept… Heading into Fall, Online Sales Tips & Advice?” My response was, “of course!” Then I started to think about what this blog could be, what does fall mean for online sales, and what we should focus on. Here’s what I came up with:


It’s Not Really About Fall

It’s about the fourth quarter. The market changes and the goals of most builders look different this time of year. Buyers are not acting with the same urgency. No matter what, online sales pros still need to keep pushing and creating appointments. Understand the shift toward the end of the year and adapt.


Think 2020

Finish strong! Keep hustling! Stay focused! Grind it out! (All the things Gary Vee would yell at you.) But remember, much of what you do now – especially in December – will start to pay off around Friday, January 3rd. Many Online Sales Specialists experience frustration because they don’t see the same buyer urgency that they saw earlier in the year. Not to be cliché, but now is the time to fill your prospect pipeline. The more people you talk, chat and text with, the more exposure and connection you’ll create for yourself, your company and your communities. This will pay off when real urgency kicks in. P.S. if interest rates stay low or go lower, the urgency will be there!


Pick a Project

Is there something you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t had the time? Maybe it’s refreshing those follow-up templates, or integrating chat with your website. Perhaps it’s finally systematizing your presale program, or creating a solid back-up plan so you can take real time off. Whatever it is, start working on it now to be ready for January 2020. Between November and December, you have about 30 working days to complete any project. By carving out a few minutes each day, you’ll make steady progress and surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.


Just Stay in Touch

It goes without saying that appointments and sales are the ultimate goals. But there is also a huge benefit to just being there for your prospects. I can already hear a few people saying, “But Mike, I don’t want to annoy my prospects!” I get it. Remember that you’re not really “selling” to them, so you actually are being helpful. As long as your communication is timely, targeted and valuable, you will never “annoy” anyone. Some people will tell you to stop, and others will ignore you, but they won’t be mad. If they are, they’re probably dealing with other, more personal issues.


Stop thinking in terms of seasons and start thinking more specifically about what you can accomplish in the last three months of the year. Shift gears, finish well and set yourself up for success in 2020. 💪


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