Corona Conversions Don’t Count – But Here Are the Metrics That Do

Corona Conversions Don’t Count – But Here Are the Metrics That Do

Apr 17, 2020 | By Jen Barkan

Metrics That Matter Now

During this pandemic, throw out your normal conversion percentage goals.

Shift your focus from conversion percentages of leads, appts, and sales to the actual raw data – the lead numbers and sources, the types of appointments, and the back stories and feedback behind each of these.

Now more than ever, it’s crucial to keep your leadership and marketing teams up-to-date on what you are experiencing on the front lines. It is fake news for leadership to rely solely on what sales is reporting and for marketing to rely solely on website traffic. Online Sales is the glue that puts it all together. Here are some tips:

  • Overall numbers should be shared weekly, not monthly.
  • Appointments need to be recorded daily.
  • Keep marketing in the know.

Here are recommendations on what metrics to track and share:

Leads – Number of leads AND lead sources

Appointments – Number of appointments set and kept. Type of appointments – either virtual, phone, in person. Keep record of your appointments DAILY.

Sales – Any sales that occur and details on the process. What is the backstory on the lead and the appointment?

Hand-off – How well the handoff is being executed with onsite sales. How are virtual handoff and meetings going?

Prospecting – Who you are reaching out to? What is the message? What is the result?

Plan – Share your plan of action. What is on your to-do list for the upcoming week? I.e. refresh templates, clean up CRM, send VIP update, prospecting calls to responsive leads, etc.

Word on the street – Report back on what you are hearing from prospects and your sales teams.

There’s no “fixing” what’s happening right now, but your team needs the most up-to-date info so they can navigate and make adjustments as needed.

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Jen Barkan
Online Sales Coach

Jen Barkan

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