DYC Live – Episode 3

Nov 21, 2016 | By Kevin Oakley

The 3nd episode of the LIVE show where we answer your questions about online sales, marketing, and the latest tech tools for content generation is available! You can submit YOUR question to be considered for the next episode by doing the following:

  1. Email show@doyouconvert.com
  2. Put “Question” in the subject line.
  3. Be sure to include a link to your website, ad, landing page, listings, etc. Linking to a Dropbox or Box folder is ok, but attachments will not be accepted.
  4. Let us know what specifically you want us to comment on. Things like:
    1. “How would you improve this?”
    2. “Why do you think this wasn’t successful?”
    3. “Is something missing?”
    4. “Is this worth my time?”
    5. “I get traffic, but no conversions – why?”
    6. Anything else you want to ask!

Show Notes:
– How to address the new overtime law
– How to prepare for being (TRULY) off for the holidays

PS: In order to get notified when the show is live, you must be connected to the DYC Facebook page. You will not get an alert from Mike or Kevin’s individual pages. Click here to confirm you’re connected and ready to go! Need extra help? Watch this helpful video.

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