Ep 148: Buyer Experience Tools with Kody Smith

Ep 148: Buyer Experience Tools with Kody Smith

May 13, 2021 | By Market Proof Marketing Podcast

Market Proof Marketing · Ep 148: Buyer Experience Tools with Kody Smith

Kody Smith, President of NoviHome, joins us to discuss how to help keep the communication with buyers as transparent as possible. Plus, Kevin, Andrew, and Becca discuss Kevin’s recent attempt at making a homesite reservation on a home builder’s website and why the experience was less than perfect.

Story Time (2:10)

  • Becca shares her story of how she had been told that finding a daycare near her home would be easy and now they all have waitlists too.
  • Andrew’s local Starbucks changes their hours! Instead of opening at 5am they’re opening at 11am and confusion has been created around the change because of the lack of context.
  • Kevin talks about his experience signing up to reserve a homesite on a home builder’s website and how his “reservation” ended up with just 1 poorly templated email…18 hours later. Plus, Kevin gives his review of his recent purchase of Eggo stuffed pancake bites and how it was the worst pancake of his life.

In the News (24:44)

  • Market Proof Marketing Academy: Sold Out – Get on the waitlist for Nov 30 – Dec 2nd’s classes (marketproofacademy.com)
  • Content Marketing and the treadmill in the corner (doyouconvert.com)
  • Zonda acquires Canadian listings platform BuzzBuzzHome (zondahome.com)
  • Facebook and Instagram notices in iOS apps tell users tracking helps keep them ‘free of charge’ (theverge.com)
  • Spaces is here, let’s chat (twitter.com)
  • Updated: The Definitive Guide to Priority Lists in 2021 (doyouconvert.com)

Question of the Week (35:46)

  • Last Week’s Question: Which scenario do you think is more likely to indicate that a home building company is firing on all cylinders? I think the case can be made for both, and yet I’m drawn to one over another.
    1. They outperform other builders in a highly competitive market with lots of new homes sold each year as a large % of overall real estate transactions. (high volume market)
    2. They outperform a small pool of competition from other builders, but they operate in a market where new home sales volume is a tiny fraction of overall real estate transactions? (low volume market)
  • This Week’s Question: Would you pay $50 a year to use FB/IG with complete privacy and no ads? Let us know your thoughts on the Market Proof Marketing Facebook group

360 Topic of the Week: Buyer Experience Tools with Kody Smith (43:18)

The team talks with Kody Smith, from NoviHome, about the company’s goal of guiding buyers through the sales funnel while still delivering insights and analytics. They touch on the main functions of NoviHome – NoviHome Show, NoviHome Focus, and the homebuyer app. They also discuss how the pandemic increased the need for technological and customizable solutions as well as how builders were able to show their customers value through easy communication tools. 

  • NoviFocus isn’t replacing anyone’s CRM, they’re adding a layer on top of your existing CRM to make it easy for agents to get buyers INTO the CRM via integrations.
  • How buyers and sales agents have been utilizing home photos to be able to write notes on the images
  • How they’re trying to solve the problem of agents not using technology.
  • How people need to realize websites and apps are different and how their apps control the flow of information buyers are seeing.

Questions? Comments? Email show@doyouconvert.com or call 404-369-2595 and we’ll address them on the next episode.

More insights, discussions, and opportunities in the Market Proof Marketing Facebook group.

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A weekly new home marketing podcast for home builders and developers. Each week Kevin OakleyAndrew Peek, and others from Do You Convert will break down the headlines, share best practices and stories from the front line, and perform a deep dive on a relevant marketing topic. We’re here to help you – not to sell you!

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