🎙 In this episode, Kevin Oakley is joined by Brock Worthen the president of Intercap Lending Inc! Kevin has noticed confusion surrounding some builders offering forward commitments and lower interest rates and asked Brock to hop on the show to explain how they are doing it. Brock walks us through forward commitments, what they are, how they work and when you should consider one.
Kevin and Brock discuss:
You can contact Brock with any questions at 801-380-9867 or bworthen@intercaplending.com.
Brock will also be sharing more about Forward Commitments on a webinar hosted by NoviHome on Dec. 13th.
You can register for the morning session here and the afternoon session here.
Brock will be educating home builders on:
Questions? Comments? Email show@doyouconvert.com or call 404-369-2595 and we’ll address them on the next episode. More insights, discussions, and opportunities in the Market Proof Marketing Facebook group.