If you’re like me, you’ve been binge-watching Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up on Netflix. I have completely torn up my home, made my husband, kids, and dogs miserable, and realized that very few things I own “spark joy.” Despite all of the hard work and turmoil I have created, I feel amazingly prepared to tackle the next project and definitely feel happy when I look at my organized closet and drawers now.
All of this tidying up got me thinking about Online Sales Specialists and their CRMs. Some of you have thousands and thousands of prospects you’ve accumulated over the years. It can be a daunting task to organize your leads, let alone think about prospecting and calling them! And I’m pretty sure this is not sparking joy in your lives.
Here are some tips on how to tidy up and organize your prospects:
I recommend creating a list of current responded or engaged leads that don’t have a future activity scheduled. Reviewing this list every week will ensure you don’t miss any opportunities. And it feels good to reach out and get their current status. If they’ve bought elsewhere, release them because they no longer spark joy!
Now is the perfect time to get your prospects organized. We’ve got to weed out the suspects and focus on the prospects. Think of your CRM like your home. You’ve got to create a little turmoil, dump out everything, and put it back together to create something really special. Once you get organized, you’ll feel better and be ready to tackle prospecting in an intentional way.