It's All About Mentality - Thank You vs. You're Welcome

It's All About Mentality - Thank You vs. You're Welcome

Aug 2, 2022 | By Jessie Suggs

You can’t deny that the job of an OSC has shifted over the last few months. I mean, it’s like a new job. Peak markets vs. normalized/down markets have their own challenges, but one thing that stays constant is the fact that it’s all about mentality! We’re here to talk about how we shift from the “you’re welcome” mindset to the “thank you” mindset.

What do I mean when I say “you’re welcome” vs. “thank you” mentality? After conversations with customers or appointments set, OSCs have likely felt they have done the customer a favor. *** Insert sarcastic you’re welcome here***  We have to lose that attitude and get back to the “thank you” mindset. We have to get back to the roots of this job and that is customer experience. We should be thanking them for the opportunity to talk to them. OSCs have seen a drastic decrease in lead volume. They are becoming thankful for the leads that inquire and that is exactly as it should be! 

Let’s be honest, not everyone is going to make it through this market. Either they have set their expectations on the opportunity and pay from the benchmarks over the last two years, which we all know are outliers. OR they think I’m doing more work now with less pay. STOP THAT! They aren’t doing more work; they’re doing different work. As I mentioned earlier, this job really does feel like a whole new job and that's because it is! But, the foundational pieces still apply - speed, process, persistence, and message. 

So here’s a list of 5 things your OSC should be doing right now! 
  1. Mindset shift - Get to the right headspace.
  2. Personalization - Anything you modified in the busy market, add it back in. Front-load the personalized messaging the first week and let the appropriate automation come when necessary. 
  3. Prospecting - Yep, the hard stuff. We may not even be attempting to get appointments out of it, but rather cleaning up lists so that we have an accurate database AND when we do make those calls, we are using our time wisely.
  4. Handoff - Refresh the steps of the handoff process for both online and onsite and add the red carpet feel back! 
  5. Objections - We haven’t had to deal with many objections recently. So many have either forgotten how to overcome the objections or they are newer in the seat and never actually had to use those dialogues. 

Remember, it’s not the OSC’s job to create a market. It’s their job to serve the market they have. Let’s focus on the five things they can implement right now!

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