It’s Time To Hold A Virtual Open House – Really!

It’s Time To Hold A Virtual Open House – Really!

Apr 28, 2015 | By Kevin Oakley

Streaming video is nothing new, but never before has it been packaged so well that it was ready for use by the masses. Two apps for mobile devices are changing all that. Periscope and Meerkat allow individual users to stream video and audio from their devices, and interact with viewers from around the world.

Celebrities, politicians, and businesses are jumping on hoping to stay ahead of the curve, and reach their audiences directly. Today, I want to make a case that you should too.


Why Home Builders Should Use Them

I’m not recommending you do it to simply ride the hype train that has already left the station, but to use it strategically for a single purpose – a virtual open house. Imagine being able to email everyone in your CRM tool on a Saturday morning at 10am announcing that they can click a button and join a “live open house” from the comfort of home. Now imagine doing it the next time harsh weather arrives or on a weekend where the sports team in town is in the playoffs and traffic typically takes a dive.

You put your OSC, new home specialist, or whatever you choose to call them in a model home with their iPhone and you’re ready to go. It’s that easy. They can answer people’s questions, go to specific rooms in the home viewers ask to see – all while streaming the video and audio from their phone. They can even schedule appointments with people, or give out their email for people to follow up offline.

Both apps also allow the broadcast to be recorded if you choose to do so – allowing you to create more content for your mobile visitors. I’ve been using both apps for the past several weeks, and I am confident that they are ready for “prime time” use.

Both apps integrate with Twitter (Periscope is also owned by Twitter), which means builders may finally have a reason to bother with Twitter besides providing customer service. I recommend trying them both out to see which you prefer, but right now I’m partial to Periscope.


Test It Out – You May Be Surprised At The Results

I wouldn’t hold them every weekend, but now and then for relocation buyers or those who are just beginning their search could give you a big advantage over the competition. Having your online sales counselor run the stream also means you have someone who’s used to converting browsers into buyers too.

Virtual Open House - Periscope

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