Old School Thank You Notes, High Tech Touch

Old School Thank You Notes, High Tech Touch

Dec 6, 2011 | By Mike Lyon

I have never been a huge fan of the “thank you” note in the real estate sales process. The way I always looked at this gesture, it was one of those dated sales tactics that tracked back to when snail mail was one of the best ways to communicate with your prospects.

One of the reasons I wasn’t gung ho on the idea was because it was too slow (hence, the term “snail mail”). I like fast. The faster, the better.

The other reason that I wasn’t running out to buy note cards was because I’d have to ask someone for their mailing address. That can be awkward, particularly when you’re not yet “there” in the sales relationship.

My preference for this type of follow-up has been to send a video email that included a video tour of the home or a picture of the lot they looked at. A not-so-subtle reminder of what they could have.

Lately, I’ve had a change of heart and been kicking it old school…with a twist. Several apps make it easy to blend smartphone technology with the personal touch of snail mail.

Apple just released an app called “Cards” that lets you take a photo on your iPhone or iPod Touch and turn it into a notecard, with your personal message. You then click on an address in your Contacts list and the card will be printed and mailed, all for just $2.99, including postage! Postagram offers a similar service, producing postcards for 99 cents. You can customize your design and message, and your cards are automatically saved.

It’s fast, personal, and effective!

Think about the cool things you can do:

  • Snap a photo of the home your prospect is considering
  • Take a picture of a “Sold” sign
  • Send a photo of the lot
  • Take a picture of steps in the construction process

Yes, you still have to ask them for their address, but it will be a lot easier to obtain when you say, “Hey, can I send you a super cool card with your photo on it?”

Here’s an example of a notecard I produced with the Cards app. I sent this to my wife to encourage her that our new home is almost done. Let me just say, that $2.99 was money well spent!

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