Social Media Webinar – Link and Re-Cap

May 29, 2009 | By Mike Lyon

I wanted to send out a thank you to all who were on the webinar last week. It was a great turnout and a lot of fun. If you missed it – you can access the stored version from Blue Tangerine Solutions by clicking here >>

Sarah Yaussi from Big Builder posted a great article about the event here: 6 Tips to Help Builders Better Navigate Social Media. I think she did a fabulous job summarizing so I’ll just use her highlights (be sure to read the rest of the article):

  • Focus on Realtors and referrals. Most builders subscribe to the “one-third” model for sales: one-third of sales come from walk-ins, one-third from Realtors, and one-third from referrals. Lyon says builders are better off trying to use it to target Realtors and referrals rather than just drive traffic to a Web site or sales office. By creating meaningful and sustained dialogue with Realtors and existing home buyers, builders will benefit.
  • Realize it’s a two-way conversation. The key to leveraging social media is to create engagement. “It’s not another area where you can broadcast the same message,” Lyon warns.
  • Better to ask forgiveness rather than ask for permission. Lyon encourages sales staffs to go ahead and take a stab at experimenting with social media rather than waiting for corporate management to give the initiative a full embrace. And if there’s push-back from management, suggest the company implement a social media policy to ensure professionalism.
  • Keep it fresh. Whether you’ve got a community page on Facebook or Twitter or where ever else in the social media sphere, the key to gaining recognition is to keep it constantly updated. Lyon suggests posting announcements related to local news or events or even to welcome new residents into a community.
  • Show your personality. Lyon says that the ole 80/20 rule applies when using social media for business. You have to be professional, but you have any stickiness if there’s not some personality mixed in to give the business profile a little pizzazz. The caveat: “I’m not saying it [social media] is like a mullet, business in the front and all party in the back.” (Yes, I swear he said that. Hilarious.)
  • Don’t try to read everything. (I’m totally guilty of this on Twitter.) It’s a sure-fire way to turn social networking into social-not-working. The volume of information is just overwhelming, so don’t try to stay up to the minute. Carefully planned posts or tweets or what-have-you roughly three times a day is sufficient.

In the true spirit of 2 way conversations – leave a comment and tell everyone what you learned on the webinar. Also – right after the webinar I posted the video below on the Facebook event page from the hotel – I love connecting virtually! Thanks again for making the webinar a huge success.

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