How do your sales people think about “traffic?” Do they wait for it to show up, or do they have the right process to generate their own, and follow up with past visitors? Here is a great tool for an upcoming sales meeting. Ask for one of your sales people to do a dramatic reading (for a small prize of course!), and then discuss the poem as a group. Start acting instead of reacting.
(Based on “Traffic Light” by Shel Silverstein – adapted by Kevin Oakley)
The traffic units did not come
So the sales rep stopped to wait
As competitors rolled and the wind blew cold
And the hour grew dark and late.
Signage, meetings, EMAIL!!
Specs and model homes,
(but no phones)
Prospects’ drive on by!
Won’t that traffic come?
But the days turned weeks, and the weeks turned months
And there in the model he sits
Twiddlin’ his thumbs till the traffic comes
His managers losing their wits.
And if you walk by that model now,
You may think it’s rather strange
To see him there with a hopeful gaze
With the very same smile on his very same face
As he patiently wonders if he’ll be replaced
And waits for the traffic to come.