What Home Builders Need to Know For The iOS14 Privacy Changes & Facebook Advertising

What Home Builders Need to Know For The iOS14 Privacy Changes & Facebook Advertising

Feb 3, 2021 | By Sarah Simmerman

As you might have read, quite a few changes are coming to Facebook from Apple’s iOS14 update in regard to advertising. While there are still many unknowns on the exact changes and the impact they will have on Facebook Ad performance, what we do know are some of the initial steps that builders should take to be ready for this update.

Apple’s changes are intended to provide greater control over data collection on iOS14 devices. Specifically when an app or website is not being used and how that app or website is or is not able to track users across their internet use.

Below are the steps Facebook is currently recommending all advertisers take. We have broken these steps down into phases. 

Phase 1:

Domain Verification, iOS14 Event Selection & Domain Allow List. 

Phase 2:

Integration of the Conversion API – “CAPI”

In this post, we will focus on Phase 1. Phase 2 requires working with your web developer to create a connection to Facebook’s API from your web server & CRM. There are also other solutions we are testing that will not require the need for your web developer to make programming changes. It is still unknown if the Conversion API is 100% needed; we will keep you updated as we thoroughly test this.

Phase 1 How To:

Step 1: Log into your Facebook Business Manager. If you do not have a Facebook Business Manager set up, this is required for the preceding steps.

Click “Business Settings.”



Step 2: On the left side, click Brand Safety, then “Domains.”


Step 3: Click “Add” to add a new Domain to your Facebook Business Manager.


Step 4: Enter your domain name for your website, then click the blue “Add Domain” button.


Step 5: Once the domain is added, you will be presented with three options to verify your domain. Choose the best option for you. This will vary from builder to builder, but you will need to communicate with I.T. or with your web developer on what the best option is. Typically DNS Verification is the simplest.


Step 6: DNS Verification Steps. Being that this step should be the simplest to do, the next few screenshots will review this process. Log into your domain registrar, Godaddy.com for example, and then click “Manage DNS” on your domain.


Step 7: Click “Add” to create a new record in your DNS Settings.


Step 8: Create the TXT record and then click Save.


Step 9: Once either the DNS, HTML File or Meta-tag steps are complete, navigate back to the Domains section in Business Manager. Select your domain and click the green “verify” button.


Step 10: Pat yourself on the back – you did it! Your domain is verified on Facebook.


Step 11: Now we will select the available events for use on iOS14 devices. Remember an event is simply an action that has taken place on your website. This could be a page view, button click, form submission – or anything in between. Log back into your Facebook Business Manager and select “Events Manager.” You might have to click the “3×3 dots” menu at the top left to see the Events Manager option.


Step 12: Make sure the Facebook Pixel that is used on your website is selected. Next, click “Aggregated Event Measurement” in the middle of the page.


Step 13: After this loads, click “Configure Web Events.”


Step 14: You will now see your domain. Click your domain name to open the panel and then click “Edit Events.”


Step 15: A popup will then be shown. Click “Edit.”


Step 16: Select the events you currently use for Advertising. We advise prioritizing them based on use. In other words, if you optimize for a pageview on most of your ads, place this at the top for the highest priority. Click Submit at the bottom right to save.


Step 17: Final steps! Now we will create the allow list. Navigate back to your Pixel and click “Settings.”


Step 18: Scroll to the bottom to see “Traffic Permissions.” Select “Create Allow List.”


Step 19: Add the domains you advertise with to the allow list. What this does is verify to Facebook which domains should be able to send events to your Facebook Pixel Data & Ad Account.

You are now done!


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Sarah Simmerman
Digital Marketing Director

Sarah Simmerman

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