Why All The Fuss About Design?

Jul 12, 2016 | By Kevin Oakley

It is painfully obvious that the pure artistic design of a home builder’s website doesn’t mean a prospect will see them as more trustworthy and worth putting on their short list.

Except that is exactly what happens.

In fact, in a research project conducted by UX Magazine in 2012 they found that consumers had the highest level of trust in two things: their doctor, and Apple. Facebook however, was one of the least trusted online companies. What’s going on here?

This linking of good design (packaging of online content in this case) and trust occurs because it makes up so much of what the consumer has to draw from. Until they make first contact with a New Home Specialist or visit a model home they have to make assumptions based upon what they have to work with. Is this company antiquated or modern? Do they invest in staying relevant in today’s world? Do they know the current trends in design… or do they just put words on the screen that say they do?

Prepare to be judged by the consumer, and whatever conclusions they come to – they will always be right in their own mind. That’s all that matters.

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